What Makes a Horse Champion? Quality Girl

Quality Girl is a 13-year-old Oldenburg mare (Quidam's Rubin x Dodirka, Dobrock) owned by The Quality Group and ridden by international show jumper Todd Minikus. Minikus took over her reins in 2013, and the two have earned numerous top honors and substantial prize money in the Grand Prix arena, most notably winning the 2014 Zoetis $1 Million Grand Prix and the inaugural 2015 Global Champions Tour of Miami Beach. We stopped by her stall to find out what goes into making Quality Girl the champion that she is.


How do you prepare before going into a class?


When Todd gets in the saddle and horses surround me, I know it's game time. I am more than ready to go — just point and shoot! Once Todd gets me away from all the traffic of a schooling ring, it's then that I can really focus. All the lights and big jumps are exhilarating, and I am always up for a challenge.


You are known for being one of the fastest, highest-energy horses in the ring. What are your thoughts on this?


Todd tries his best to manage me, but I want to do my own thing in the ring. He knows that I can handle the jumps when he doesn't change much. Aren't you supposed to go fast?


What's your favorite part of your daily schedule?


I absolutely love my grooming time. My grooms put ice packs on my legs every day, and thoroughly brush out my spotless coat. As long as they don't stand right in front of me to brush my face, then I love it. Also, no ears please!


What's your favorite hobby?


I go on the TheraPlate every day — it's so relaxing! The TheraPlate makes my muscles feel great, and I always feel ready to hop over anything after standing on the TheraPlate before going in the ring.


What's your least favorite part of barn life?


Clipping — when those turn on, all bets are off!


Who is your favorite companion in the barn? Horse or Human?


Dog, actually. My groom has a small dog she calls Cooper. I don't mind him, and we spend stall time together in the barn and at shows.


Which Vita Flex Pro® products do you like?


When I started taking Master's Hoof Blend I noticed my nails were much shinier and gave me a strong base. I also take my multivitamin Accel Health and Wellness to give me that extra boost, and Equinyl Combo to keep my legs sleek and help reduce inflammation.


What's your best attribute?


Everyone is always staring at my eyes! I can't blame them though. They are big, and they're beautiful!


What's your favorite horse show memory?


Todd and I ran in the victory lap of the 2014 Zoetis $1 Million Grand Prix in Saugerties, New York. It was great to go clear and high over the jumps, and all the humans gave me a lot of treats after that show.



Vita Flex Pro, Master's Hoof Blend, Accel, and Equinyl are trademarks of Farnam Companies, Inc.

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